
Dare2solve | Fraction of the area of the inner triangle to the outer triangle

This question was uploaded on 19/10/21 on social media accounts.

A triangle is inscribed in a triangle such that vertices of the inner triangle divide side of the outer triangle in the ratio 5:3, 3:2, 1:1. Find the fraction of the area of the inner triangle to the outer triangle.

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Let the area of the outer triangle be 'A'.
\[\frac {A'}A=\frac{A-A1-A2-A3}{A}=\frac{19}{80}\]
Fraction = 19:80

To calculate ratios of areas, I used the formula for the area of triangle:
\[A=a\cdot b\cdot\sin\theta\]
sine term is cancelled due to one angle being same in triangles.

Puzzle related to hard math puzzle, geometry, triangle, area, ratio.
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