
Proof for π < 22/7 Real value of π is lies between 3.14 < π < 22/7

When two of the hardest tests in the world cover the same problem, you know it’s a big deal! A version of this problem appeared on both the Putnam competition and the JEE Advanced.

Here you will get Proof for π < 22/7 and I will also show you that real value of π is lies between 3.14 < π < 22/7

Evaluate the following integral, and use the result to prove that π is less than 22/7.
\[=\int_{0}^{1}\frac{x^4(x^4 – 4x^3 + 6x^2 – 4x + 1)}{1+x^{2}}dx\]
\[=\int_{0}^{1}\frac{(x^8 – 4x^7 + 6x^6 – 4x^5 + x^4)}{1+x^{2}}dx\]

Since the integrand is positive between 0 and 1, the integral will also be positive. Hence we have:
\[\Rightarrow \pi<\frac{22}{7}\]

As I calculated value of π in one of my post, it is always greater than 3.14
Click here to read that blog.

By this relationship we can say that:

Here I added proof in which I calculated value of π by two methods.

1. By calculating area of circle

We know that area of circle is πr^2. If we consider r is 1 then area of circle will be π.
For calculating Area of circle, we draw an n-sided regular polygon inscribed in circle.
Then we divide that polygon in n number of triangles. Now we can easily calculate area of polygon since all triangles are similar as shown in figure:

Now the interior angel for all triangle is θ
By using trigonometry, we can find value of h and x
\[x=2\times sin\frac{180}{n}\]
Area of polygon = No. of Triangles Area of one triangle
Area of polygon = n T
First we calculate value of T:
\[T=n\times x\times h\]
\[T=n\times cos\frac{180}{n}\times 2\times sin\frac{180}{n}\]
\[T=2\times n\times cos\frac{180}{n}\times sin\frac{180}{n}\]
\[T=\frac{n}{2}\times sin\frac{360}{n}\]
Now area of polygon 
\[A=\frac{n}{2}\times sin\frac{360}{n}\]
In this if we increase the value of n then we got value close to π. Best thing in this that we can calculate it simply on calculator.
If n=100, we get 3.1395....
If n=1000, we get 3.14157....
If n=10000, we get 3.1415924....
If n=100000, we get 3.141592652....
True value of π = 3.14159265358....

It's formula can be written as:
\[\pi=\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}\frac{n}{2}sin\frac{360}{n}\]

2. By calculating Perimeter of Circle

We know that perimeter of circle is 2πr. If we consider r is 1/2 then perimeter of circle will be π.
For calculating Perimeter of circle, we draw an n-sided regular polygon inscribed in circle.
And then we divide that polygon in n number of triangles. Now we can easily calculate Perimeter of polygon since all triangles are similar as shown in figure:

Now the interior angel for all triangle is θ
By using trigonometry, we can find value of L
Perimeter of polygon = No. of Triangles Length of outer side
Perimeter of polygon = n x L
\[P=n\times sin\frac{180}{n}\]
In this if we increase the value of n then we got value close to π. Best thing in this that we can calculate it simply on calculator.
If n=100, we get 3.1410....
If n=1000, we get 3.141587....
If n=10000, we get 3.141592602....
If n=100000, we get 3.14159265307....
True value of π = 3.14159265358....
As you can observe, this will give more accurate value of π

It's formula can be written as:
\[\pi=\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}\ n.sin\frac{180}{n}\]


Wikipedia article

Putnam exam 1968 A1

JEE Advanced 2010 Paper Solutions Part-1 | IIT-JEE | Strategy, Tips, & Tricks | Paper Discussion (see around 55:30)

Why is pi less than 22/7? – Week 14 – Lecture 9 – Mooculus

2010 IIT-JEE Advanced paper 1 question 41 direct link

JEE (Advanced) past papers

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